Here are some FAQ's or interesting facts, etc... for you to check out.
- Can I use wrapping paper? Yep. That's what I did. Tissue paper is good too, but you need to be careful.
- Can it only be 76 cm instead of 102? Nooo.... don't change dowel sizes too much... As far as I know, as long as the kite is balanced and you have a decent wingspan, it'll fly. But I don't reccomend changing spar lengths.
- Where should I look for the dowels or sticks as I need this to be cheap!? Well, most craft stores and home and garden places will sell dowel. Cheap? Well, one dowel, ('bout a metre in length), costs about $1.00 CDN depending on which thickness you buy.
- Can you tell me how thick to have the dowel? Try to get a dowel about a quarter of an inch thick. But, I guessed my dowel thickness. Remember, the lighter the better.
- Where can I find more kite stories? The stories on this site can be found in the books listed in the This Site section, somewhere nearer the bottom in the Bibliography. Also, check out your local library! (I find going to the Children's section is always more helpful! :) )
Here's an email that I thought was really cute. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. ^_^
Thanks for all the great information. My 10 year old daughter is studying China in school and is doing a report on kites and their link to Chinese history. Your site and bibliography are very helpful!
Thanks again,
Mike - a dad in Chicago!

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