:: art - pro works - connect >> [ profile | links | BBS ] ::


Places to go, people to see...

This page is link free, which means you do not need to ask my permission to add me to your link list. Here are some banners you can use when linking to me:

I don't actually do link exchanges anymore, due to the fact that I so rarely bother updating my links section. You're welcome to post it in the BBS if you'd like, though.

general links....
disciples of the blade . divide by zero fonts . top cow . sunscript studios . udon comics . red flag deals .

link listings and affilations....
anime Xtreme (club) . online comic and artist directory (listing) . anime artist united . anime pitstop (listing) . coobics (listing) . tofu .

art links....
mal . naska . locke . eisu . aimo . aj* . josh* . clay* . dk . sam . rob . fsc . atchy*^ . eve . tep . ko-cha^ . Endoh^ . fred . evon . zid . ushio . ambient blue^ . tomomimi^ . aimee . shinobu . you shina^ . n2k . david . zoul . rosann . bret . galou . heather . joo . arn . jason . kiran . galou . asagi and juna . jun ichi .

^ = japanese site
* = nudity warning

:: art - pro works - connect >> [ profile | links | BBS ] ::
Website and images copyright Jen Chan unless otherwise indicated.email me!up one level..!